Gathering Together
Hello everyone. Welcome to “Notes From the Presence.” This week, I’ve been thinking about the gathering of God’s people. Due to the covid virus, most gatherings have been suspended for the time being. The following verses have been going through my mind and heart:
Hebrews 10:24-25 (TPT) Discover creative ways to encourage others and to motivate them toward acts of compassion, doing beautiful works as expressions of love. This is not the time to pull away and neglect meeting together, as some have formed the habit of doing, because we need each other! In fact, we should come together even more frequently, eager to encourage and urge each other onward as we anticipate that day dawning.
Please understand that I am not putting any definitions on the words “gathering” or “meeting together” in this blog. There are many legitimate options for the church as far as assembling.
These things being said, one of the greatest threats to the kingdom of darkness seems to be the gathering of God’s people. This week, in my daily readings in the book of Acts, I have found many references to the devil trying to stop gatherings. First, Saul went out, full of threats and violence, going from house to house and dragging people to the authorities. The religious and political leaders also did the same.
Even in our modern world, whenever a country wants to do away with religious freedoms, the first thing they will do is to forbid Christians from gathering in any form—even in homes. These patterns have been consistent down through the ages.
So why is it such a threat to the kingdom of darkness for Christians to meet together? I believe it is because of something called the “corporate anointing. When we are gathered together, the glory that rests upon each individual is joined together and multiplied. This creates a very dangerous situation for the devil—he always loses when this happens.
When it comes to the virus situation that we are experiencing, it seems like the primary restriction is gathering. Because of this fact, I am convinced of a couple of things. First, the spirit behind the virus is evil. Its main purpose is to scatter fear across the face of the earth and also to stop the people of God from gathering together.
I also believe that there is an awakening on the horizon for the church. The devil is looking around and although his view is limited, he can still see the signs—things like increased angelic activity and God’s glory being released across the earth. For this reason, he has decided to try and stop the gatherings, in order to stop the awakening. Because the pandemic is global, the awakening will also be global.
In conversations with people, I often hear the phrase, “This is the new normal.” I am here today to declare, “ABSOLUTLY NOT!” The people of God will gather again. What the devil has meant for evil will turn out for God’s best. The glory released in this awakening will be even greater than before, because the deceiver always overplays his hand.
While we are waiting, let’s be creative in our gathering. Don’t just sit and passively watch podcasts. Be deliberate about connecting personally with the people of God. God’s power and glory can still be multiplied over Zoom or FB Messenger, it just needs to be done with thoughtful intent.
When this is all over, God’s plan will win—and the world will know that there is a Saviour who loves them!
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Cheers, Dean